Conference news

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Below are news articles and blogs about the conference

  • Land market will not solve redistribution issue, says professor - Business Day
  • Ramphele worried SA farmers are lost 'to the north' - Mail & Guardian
  • Minister of Arts and Culture Paul Mashatile Visits Iziko South African National Gallery -
  • Loss of commercial farmers hurts SA - Biz Community
  • Land reform ‘key to jobs, food security’, says Ramphele - Business Day
  • Conference takes vox pop on land issues - Stellenbosch University blog
  • Beleidskwessie kan Suid-Afrika pootjie - Stellenbosch University blog
  • Fracking will lead to health, environmental damage – expert at Land Divided conference - Stellenbosch University blog
  • Painting a landscape of downward accountability - The Argus
  • Commemorating the 1913 Land Act in a Land Divided - PLAAS blog
  • You have no right to own land if you’re black and rural - M&G Thought Leader, Christi van der Westhuizen
  • Apartheid's roots: The Natives Land Act - BBC History, Chris Bell
  • Shaping a new legacy: Tshintsha Amakhaya discussion at the Land Divided 2013 Conference - Tshintsha Amakhaya & Legal Resources Centre
  • Multiple perspectives on 100 years of land question(s) in South Africa - Belgian Development Agency, Evert Waeterloos
  • Academics and students participate in Land Divided Conference 2013 - UWC


Below are news articles and blogs about the Umhlaba 1913-2013 Exhibition:

  • Umhlaba 1913-2013: Primeval snapshots of our lost and stolen worlds - Mail & Guardian
  • Umhlaba Exhibition - Cape Times
  • Exhibition tells the story of land - The New Age
  • Land grabs the old fashioned way: South Africa’s sad centennial - European Centre for Development Policy Management
  • Land Matters - a Visual Exploration of Land, Mining and Resources in South Africa - Art South Africa 11(4)
  • Land Matters - Art South Africa
  • 7/21: Museum Weekend - South Africa 2013
  • Umhlaba 1913 – 2013: Commemorating the 1913 Land Act - Frieze Magazine
  • WAM exhibition commemorating the 1913 Land Act - Culture and Heritage Blog
  • Minister of Arts and Culture visits Iziko South African National Gallery - Department of Arts and Culture
  • DAC Minister visits Iziko SA National Gallery -



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